Rate Case
Public Utility Commission - Watershed Motion
Last year, Aqua Texas filed an application with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) requesting to raise rates for customers in its Southwest service area. Paired with a previous rate hike, customers’ bills would go up an average of more than $50 per month.

Aqua’s request for a rate increase is being made under the premise that they have a need to recover costs from capital improvements. However, Aqua has failed to provide any proof that justifies this.

The reality is a vast amount of work Aqua has completed is in fact not capital infrastructure work – but repairs and upgrades that are needed as a result of Aqua’s years of neglect and lack of maintenance.

The proposed rate increase is excessive, lacks justification from Aqua, and would impose further hardship on customers who are already struggling from the impact of Aqua’s high rates.

Aqua’s attempt to charge hardworking Texans even higher rates than they already do is simply another tactic in their pattern of taking Texas water – and Texas money – solely in the interest of raising out-of-state shareholder profits.

The request for the rate increase is currently under review by the Public Utility Commission of Texas.