Public Utility Commission
Formal Complaint
The Trinity Edwards Springs Protection Association (TESPA) has filed a formal complaint with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC), requesting the PUC to either revoke Aqua’s authority to provide water in the Wimberley area or to mandate significant changes to its operations.

In its filing, TESPA details Aqua’s extensive and continued violations of groundwater regulations, as well as the fact that the utility remains dependent on an unlawful groundwater supply to serve its customers.

As a result of these actions and more, many Hays County customers’ water supply has become unreliable and all who depend on Hill Country groundwater are affected.

For at least two years, Aqua failed to abide by Texas groundwater law and over-pumped its permit by more than 150 million gallons.

After years of non-compliance with Texas law, the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District denied Aqua’s applications to renew groundwater permits in 2023, which means the company currently has no legal access to water supply.

Despite this, Aqua continues to pump without a permit.

TESPA’s filing follows an ongoing federal lawsuit, filed by Aqua in January, which seeks to prevent the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District’s enforcement of groundwater production and drought curtailment rules.

The filing is currently under review by an Administrative Law Judge at the PUC.