About us
Who We Are
We are a coalition united in our commitment to safeguard our most precious natural resource – water.

Over the past two years, we’ve seen tens of millions of gallons of our groundwater lost from wasteful, unnecessary leaks. Our resources have been pushed to the brink. We’ve watched as Jacob’s Well, a local treasure and geological marvel, has been diminished to a memory of its beautiful past. We are alarmed, angered, and worried for the state of our region’s water – today, for our children, and our children’s children.

All of this has happened as a result of Aqua Texas, a multi-million-dollar utility providing water to thousands of residents in the Wimberley Valley. For years, Aqua has shown a reckless disregard for the basic laws and regulations that exist to protect our water. And instead of owning up to their actions, Aqua is fighting against those who are trying to hold them accountable, taking it all the way to federal court.

We’re here to say: No more. We will not stand by and allow a rogue utility take our Texas water for free and re-sell it for profit, all while leaking water from its pipelines and over pumping hundreds of millions of gallons during a drought.

At the heart of this issue is: Who gets to decide what happens to Texas water, and who has to play by the rules. We believe the answers are simple, and we’re going to make sure Aqua knows – This is OUR TEXAS. OUR WATER.

We are lawyers, scientists, landowners, business owners, local officials, parents, students, concerned Hill Country residents, and Texans… We are The People vs. Aqua Texas.

We hope you’ll join us.
Our Partners
TESPA - Trinity Edwards Springs Protection Association logoThe Watershed Association logo